Relume Site Builder

Easily generate sitemaps and wireframes with Relume's AI-powered Site Builder, then import your projects directly into Webflow.
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  • Generate Wireframes with AI
    Use Relume's AI-powered Site Builder to quickly generate sitemaps and wireframes for marketing websites in just minutes. Once your wireframes are ready, you can seamlessly import them into Webflow.
  • Import Projects Effortlessly
    Browse all your Site Builder projects and select the sitemaps, pages, or sections you want to import. The app will automatically set up your Webflow project and bring in all the content, saving you time and effort.
  • Sync Styles with Existing Projects
    If you’ve already updated classes and styles in your Webflow project but need to import more pages, the app will sync the styles to ensure a consistent look across your site.
  • Automatic Webflow Components Creation
    Global sections from Site Builder are imported as Webflow components, making it easier to manage recurring layouts and content across your website.