Asset Bae
Asset Bae optimizes your workflow for faster image filename and alt text updates.
Created by:
Keegan Leary
Web Bae
Get the app
Take control of your asset management effortlessly, and boost your site's accessibility with smart AI tools.
- Edit File Names & Alt Text Together
No need to open each file individually—now you can change the names and alt text for all your assets in one convenient view. It's perfect for speeding up your workflow and keeping everything organized in a single place.
- AI-Powered Alt Text Generator
Tired of writing alt text for every image? Let the AI do it for you! With just a click, you can generate clear, descriptive alt text to improve accessibility and SEO, helping your site reach more users and meet important standards.
- Free to Start
Get 15 free AI credits when you start using Asset Bae. You can process up to 10 assets at once without paying a cent. Whether you’re editing a small batch of images or testing the waters, it’s simple to begin without any cost.
- Patreon-Exclusive Perks
Want to do more? Patreon subscribers get even better perks! With 100 free AI credits and the ability to edit 25 assets at once, you’ll be able to speed through your updates and manage larger projects with ease.